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Welcome to the Empath Resorce Site. A place created for empaths by an empath. To navigate around, please click on the links to the left.

Welcome to the Empath Resorce Site. A place created for empaths by an empath. To navigate around, please click on the links to the left.

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In conclusion:

Being an empath can be a wonderful experience. It can truly be a gift. It may not always be a bed of roses, but if you are able to embrace it, understand and use it, you will find it can enhance your life like sight being given to a blind man.

My name is Gary, and I have spent a good part of my life working to help empaths all over the world.

If you need personal one to one help, please check my service page at:

For those who are wondering who I am, and what my sources are, I will say that I've been a student of the esoteric nearly all my life.

I've studied extensively on many different subjects, including philosophies such as Taoism and Buddism and my main focus is soul healing and giving people's power back to them.

For the empath information, it was something I became aware of in the late 1990s. I would mention it to people, and they would always ask, what is an empath?

Eventually, I decided to write up an explanation on the web (circa 2002) because there just wasn't anything around on that subject back then.

Since then, I've seen many sites appear and many people seeking information on this subject.

Eventually, it dawned on me that more information was needed, so I started a support forum, a chat room, and wrote a guidebook.

Over the years, a number of websites and support groups have been developed.

All feedback is welcome.

All this information is my own work and observations. Like anything else, only take those parts that work for you.

I will respond to all e-mails, generally pretty quickly. If you don't get a response, it means something has gone wrong.

What is an Empath?
Why are people empaths?
Signs of being an Empath
What do I do now?
Techniques for coping
Psychic Burnout
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