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Bach Flower Remedies
Star of Bethlehem
Shock / Trauma
Sweet Chestnut
Dark night of the soul
Cheerful facade
Hate, Envy, Spite
Symptoms:Shock / Trauma past and present.
Lack of Interest in life
I suspect this is one of the more underrated remedies. It is an integral part of the Rescue Remedy, and tends to be more ignored because it is already being taken when that remedy is used.

Star of Bethlehem seems to be far more potent when taken by itself. It's effect is to clear shock and trauma, past and present. I believe that many people are walking around in a state of shock without knowing it.

If you experience such symptoms as clinical depression, (depression for no known cause, but unlike mustard, it's not from without), visions of suicide, even if you're not suicidal. An inability for others to console or reach you. Having the slightest thing set you back and send you into depression, then you may well be in a state of trauma or shock.

While taking other remedies might bring some relief, the relief obtained while taking this one can be dramatic. One lady claimed she was on the verge of taking anti-depressants when she tried Star of Bethlehem instead. She wrote that she had never felt such a profound relief from anything in her life, and within the space of a day, she was at peace and glad to be alive.

I, myself, have experienced such a dramatic effect. I was suffering from clinical depression and found that the other remedies were not helping much. During a very bad episode, I took some rescue remedy, and found a little relief was obtained. I quickly decided that the only remedy that would have produced that result was Star of Bethlehem. I took that by itself, and the relief was instant. Four years of depression and trauma were washed away in a few moments.

I had to keep on taking it regularly for a few weeks, but as with all the remedies, the need for them eventually dies away.
The thing is that traumas don't always clear, and can go back as far as childhood. They also tend to accumulate until any little thing can set you off. I also strongly suspect this is a cause of clinical depression.

If you've tried the other remedies, and you've not found them to be working, I would suggest that Star of Bethlehem be given a try.

Also, this remedy seems to be the most effective when taken by itself.

For Empaths:

I often suggest people take this remedy a lot. It comes up on a very frequent basis and when taken, can produce life changing results.
Life, in general, tends to bring up traumatic events and many shocks. Accidents, deaths, bad news, break ups, expected events all have their toll on us.

Most of the time we work to get past it, put these things aside, and get on with life.  The thing many don't actually realize that while we put bury these events within us, shock and trauma has an accumulative and eventually toxic effect upon our body and psyche.

This can take many years for it to appear, but when it does, it can be finally debilitating and devastating.

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Over-Concern for Others
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